If you are an amateur photographer or just someone who loves to dabble in photography, you may be able to make money from your images. The business of stock photography has grown significantly on the internet, which in turn has allowed photography enthusiasts to find a marketplace for their images.

I'm extremely happy to say I stopped procrastinating and finally submitted some images to a stock agency. The stock site I heard the most positive reviews on was Shutterstock. After working on some images I thought were worthy enough of being stock images I finally uploaded them. Reason why I procrastinated so long was because I read up on Shutterstocks forum about their entry requirements. To get "approved" to have access to upload to their site you must submit 10 images for them to critique. You must get 7 out of 10 approved or you cannot submit again for another 30 days. Long story short, I submitted the images and got an approval within 12 hours. I got 9 out of 10 approved which I am really happy about. The image that was rejected was a image of the word "health" spelled out in Scrabble letters. Copy right infringement, which is a no-no, I had to learn somewhere though...
Now that I am approved I can upload as many photos as I want. All images still go through the review process, but, almost all are getting accepted. I'm getting rejected for focus, noise, no commercial value, etc.
Again, I am really happy that I finally followed through with my goal of pursuing my stock. Now I just need to keep making milestone goals with my stock to keep pushing it. You are not going to get rich over night doing stock. But, if you keep chugging away and keep feeding the machine you will build a nice portfolio, make a few bucks, and enjoy yourself in the process. To me, that is living. If you do look into using Shtterstock please use my referral code:
http://submit.shutterstock.com/?ref=628330Please take a look at my current gallery which I will be building upon.
http://shutterstock.com/g/joehamiltonAfter being accepted 7/20/2010 I have already sold 46 images! It is really quite cool to check in on your stats and see what is being purchased and downloaded and seeing your money adding up. Of course it is not a lot of money right now, but, I do see the potential.
If you have good images, you can easily earn anywhere from $300 to $1,000 a month. Here are some places where you can sell your photos and earn money from them:
Shutterstock - one of the most, if not the most popular micro stock photography sites on the Web today. Some photographers earn about $600 a month from this site alone. The site pays you $0.25 per download of your images, as well as referrals both in terms of other photographers and photo buyers.
Alamy - as a contributor, you get 65% of the sale of your photos while you retain copyright and editorial control over your images.
iStockPhoto - royalty structure is 20% if non-exclusive and 40% if exclusive.
Other sites that you need to check include:
Corbis -
http://www.corbisimages.com/BigStockPhoto -